Getting my working life in order

Today I feel different. I feel rested, motivated and happy. Sun peeks in from my bedroom curtains already from the morning and as I leave home, the cool autumn air wakes up my senses immediately. I get on the car of my colleague who is already waiting outside, and we drive, taking sharp maneuvers, to the office listening some French song.
There has been changes in my life lately. I signed my full-time contract, after being a ‘freelance-intern’ for 4 months, and started a full-time office job. At first, I was coming 2 times a week, later 4 times a week. I thought to myself - Oh! I’m already coming 4 days a week. It’s almost like I’m coming full time and my life is in balance. This is great!
Little did I know how huge(!) difference it was for me to switch from coming 4 days, to 5 days. I started to be tired all the time (no wonder), my laundry was unwashed, dishes were laying in the sink and as I got home and discovered I don’t have anything in the fridge, I was forced to order in. Sounds like a typical scene, doesn’t it. But the thing is, I don’t like ordering food. I’d always prefer homemade meal. It’s so easy to get out of balance, when working full time, isn't it.

But this weekend I got my things sorted out and I’m all prepared to take on this week. Honestly, I feel damn proud of myself right now. This involved an in-depth weekend preparation. I washed all clothes, dishes. Made a meal plan, deciding what I’ll eat each day in advance and went to classical Turkish bazaar all by myself to buy groceries for the whole week. Unbelievable how cheap it is! Of course, I got a load of village eggs from a local farmer whose chicks walk around freely. Best eggs come from happy, life-enjoying chicks!
While walking home, red faced, like a donkey with my 100 bags, a car even stopped to ask if I need any help. ''No thank you'' I said. I already reached home by that time.
When I came home on Monday evening, my casa was clean, food was ready and I was happy not to worry about a single thing. I’m not denying that working 4 days made everything easier. But as we need to make our life work with what we’ve got, and I'm truly happy to join our office team full time. So I’m glad to say that I finally figured out a plan to get my life back in order.

Ps. I let them write Carolin, because that's the name they mostly get correct.
