How I Became a Morning Person - Winter Edition

In winter, when mornings are dark and daylight leaves us during earlier hours, like a whole another lifestyle starts. I’ve never been a morning person, not in childhood, not in school time. Waking up used to be the most terrible thing happening to me each day. But lately it has changed in some magical ways.

First t
ip - don’t wake up too early. Seriously. I know not everyone can plan around their time of waking up. But if there’s any room to adjust the times, finding a suitable time is the best way to wake up happy. For me 7.25 is perfect, yet still leaves me enough time to do my morning rituals. This leads to my next point... 
it happened, that I go to sleep much earlier than I used to. That makes me sometimes even wake up before the alarm. Who would’ve guessed.

Making sure the heating is on for the night. I can’t come out of bed in a cold room! Very important!

Opening favorite Spotify playlist first thing after opening my eyes. Currently enjoying relaxed acoustic tunes on ‘Morning coffee’ playlist.

Taking time for breakfast. If I have time for breakfast, my day starts always in a light and happy mood. Sometimes I put on some funny show, like ‘Friends’ or ‘How I met your mother’, which gives me the feeling that there’s no rush and gives a good laugh as well. Also, I used to loooove watching BBC news in the morning, when I still had that channel. Maybe I’ll get back to that habit.

Opening curtains! Sometimes I open the window to breathe the fresh chilly air to which hits me with energy. If I’m lucky, there’s sun to see which makes me extra happy.

Having my bag and clothes ready in the morning saves tons of time! Also, taking make-up to complete it in the office, saves me some ‘calm breakfast’ time.

Productivity. I’m much more productive in mornings, so I know that if I take the step to get out of bed, there’s a lot I could get done before I leave home. I have this routine I love worked out, so when waking up, I look forward to get the day started. 

Happy mornings!
